A Visit From A Superhuman Extraterrestrial Woman

I/W: 2021     H: 2020          Spirit

This post is about a visit I had from a superhuman extraterrestrial woman. This one might seem a bit out there, and technically is, but it was pretty cool. I get into what she was like in the latter part of the post and start by setting the stage.

It began with my awareness of an aircraft flying nearby to where I live. It can be called a UFO, spaceship, it doesn’t really matter. I never actually saw it but was aware of it in the spirit. Meaning I was in tune with its presence. I could also hear it. It’s a very distinct buzzing sound. I didn’t hear it in consciousness or the spirit, but in the physical like any sound.

I looked everywhere for it, far in the sky and close, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t see it. I don’t know why, but I’d float the possibilities that they have technology to cloak their aircraft or it was above the clouds. But it sounded closer. I felt there were at least two or more people on the aircraft based on my being in tune with it. I couldn’t accurately gauge how many.

A woman’s spirit body came down and indoor to where I live. Meaning her body in the form of spirit. It’s kind of hard to describe this. It’s not bound to linear movement, and I didn’t see it standing in its entirety like Michael’s, but rather more so in fragments, while not literally.

What Archangel Michael Looks Like Plus His Nature

She came down twice over a one two day visit, once in one day and then again the day after. Both times during the day and each time our spirit bodies converged.

Her body was human in nature and appearance. I’d describe her physique as perfect or near perfect. To put it plainly and honestly, it makes earth’s greatest supermodels look like beavers.

But what was far more stunning than the beauty of her outer appearance, and this might sound a bit emo, was her inner beauty. Her heart was like one I’ve never seen before in my entire life on all of earth. It was like an elevated level of kindness which was just its natural nature. She struck me as being a quiet person too.

It was very clear to me she’s not from earth. From what I know about ETs she is closest resembling a Pleiadian, but I can’t say she was as she didn’t say.

She was incredibly fragile from an emotional standpoint. I think it would be really hard for her to live on earth, it would be like being struck by emotional arrows from all over the place, at least at the time of writing this.

I wanted to go to her planet so bad. At least to just see what it was like first and then maybe eventually move to it if I liked it a lot. But come back to visit. So like moving to a different country, but instead a different planet. It might seem like “why would you do that?” but she was very trustworthy.

If everyone from where she’s from is like her I’d say they’re very nice people. Also, I get the impression their society is way better than ours, and I mean astronomically better. They’re far more spiritual and I’d imagine they have a much higher level of consciousness. I also got the impression they throw really cool parties, outdoor ones.

I’ll add too she’s an entirely normal person in personality. She’s also really fit but not buffed and appears to be really healthy.

I connected to her spirit at the time of writing this, about half a year after the visit, and she communicated I couldn’t go with them because it wouldn’t be fair. Also that it’s fine for me to say that. Really that’s why I wanted to go there so bad, it seems like they’re so much nicer and do things so much better. To expand on it not being fair, if not clear, I interpret it as they’d either have to allow everyone or no one to go. An equality system.

What an amazing person.

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