How I See People and Their Faces, Blog Specific

I/W: 2021          General

This post is in reference to how I see people and their faces which is talked about throughout the blog. Examples are linked below in the related posts section.

I think the simplest description is it’s like another sense. I see them while awake and don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary. It’s as simple as touching or smelling something, but with limitations which I get into after. Very normal.

It happens somewhere between and/or in a combination of consciousness and spirit.

When I spoke to Jesus it was like holographic video chat while also not exactly like that. It was like if you picture something in your mind and see it only a split second but rather than that short, what you see is constant, and you’re not controlling it. His face was overlaid atop the physical in my hindsight and transparent that I could see through it.

For the most part, the others I see are against a black background/abyss. When I see their full body, it’s like there’s a bit of space above their head and below their feet. And I can move in closer to see their face in close up. My eyes are always open when I see them and I do other stuff during it which isn’t difficult. It doesn’t take much concentration but some at least because if your mind were racing everywhere it would make it more difficult, like any task really.

I don’t ever see any of them perfect like you see someone in physical reality. It works differently. Sometimes it’s hard to make out certain things. Some are more difficult or take longer than others to see and some I can’t see or communicate with at all.

I can’t speak to them at will anytime I want. It seems like there may be an orchestration to it driven from the spirit. Like a yes you can see this now or no you can’t. Despite this, the ones who are “still alive” always feel like they’re present behind a very thin veil even if I can’t speak to them at will.

I don’t speak Hebrew. Everyone I’ve spoken to has been in English so their voices are translated somehow. All the communication happens “telepathically.” I haven’t fully seen someone’s words coming from their mouth, but it’s easy to know it’s them because it happens during, before, after, or various, depending on the encounter. In the case of Jesus, his eyes to mouth were the least clear. Maybe for the better because if his voice were being translated it would have looked dubbed which would have been weird. Ezekiel’s voice I’m pretty sure comes from his spirit. Isaiah I heard during what I’m pretty sure was his lifetime and couldn’t see anything while I was there. How I saw him was against the black background/abyss.

There are no eyewitnesses to me seeing any of these people, and there really can’t be given how it happens. That said I don’t expect anyone reading them to believe it.

I’m my own biggest skeptic so I tried to think about all the angles. Did I see and speak to these people? Everything I saw and that happened I’m sure I saw and happened. And I know this because it’s like someone sitting at the table with you on Tuesday drinking coffee. You know they’re there because they’re sitting in front of you and conversing with you. Then on Wednesday, they’re not sitting at the table drinking coffee and conversing with you, so they’re not there.

So now I ask myself is what I saw true? Or did I imagine it all? Because it happens in consciousness, the possibility of your imagination playing a role in it must be brought into question. When I can’t see someone or a specific attribute I’m careful not to force it. And I wait too, so if I see it, I see it, and if I don’t, I don’t. Like in the case of Mary Magdalene or Isaiah’s face.

When one visits me it’s far easier to be confident in it because I don’t do anything, the person just comes. Or ones I meet in the middle. I specify this at the beginning of the posts as either I sought to see them, they visited me, or I don’t specify if it was more of a meet in the middle. I started seeking some after the first couple of original encounters that were meets in the middle, as I wanted to look into the possibilities more.

Am I being deceived? This is another question I asked myself, is this some kind of a trick? If this is the case I don’t know what the point of a deception like this would be.

I’ve been able to see other people’s faces I’ve never met, or connect to their spirits, and others have been able to see me. One person complimented the headphones I was wearing, which was nice of them. So this leads me to believe others can do this too.

The people I’ve written about in the blog are just as I see them which is all I can do. I usually include what it was like seeing them because it gives better context, provides transparency, and gives more insight into what they’re like.  Sometimes I’ll get a strong gut feeling about something such as Isaiah’s height, and I’ll go with it because of an Elohim message I got about going with your gut.

Messages From Elohim Upon Waking Up

It’s hard for me to confirm if I’m seeing them correct as there’s not a lot of information I could find online on what they look like, besides the obvious. Ezekiel is recorded as having shaved his head for at least one point in his life. Jesus is believed to have long hair because he was a Nazirite. Isaiah was of the tribe of Judah so the gold aura makes sense. I didn’t know this at the time of seeing him. If I step into an understanding at a later time that brings me to believe that what I’ve seen is false then I’ll have to be open to that.

Related Posts

What Ezekiel Looks Like: A Powerhouse Spirit

What Isaiah Looks Like: The Man Who Glows Gold

What Jesus Looks Like Plus His Personality and Traits

What Mary Magdalene’s Spirit Is Like

What Samson Looks Like: The Man Made of Iron