What Satan “Looks” Like Plus His Personality

I/H/W: 2020     U: 2022          Spirit

Satan’s State

I was shown Satan’s state. He’s very tired and appears to be weakening. Like I mentioned about God’s state in the post about him, I’m pretty sure this works quite differently than how it does for humans.

Satan’s Nature, Personality, and What He “Looks” Like

I was shown Satan in which I was in direct proximity with him and was in-between him and God. When I first saw him he wasn’t showing me himself. He was rather there moving side to side but staying back, not wanting to show himself, and he seemed upset. It looked like he was hiding in the shadow. Off first seeing him I’d describe him as cold. Then I called him a “punk.” After that, I saw him and his nature. He immediately attacked me by projecting himself at me which looked like a being made of fire blowing fire at me. He looks like a being made of fire. Kind of hard to describe. It was pretty hardcore and he was going nuts. From what I saw he’s entirely non-physical.  It wasn’t scary at all, but more so annoying. Especially if it wouldn’t stop, it would become extremely annoying.

I tried to project the star of David to get him to stop but every time I did it would immediately appear as a pentagram. After doing that a few times I projected the crucifix but that didn’t do anything either. I used these two symbols because they seemed to make the most sense and I didn’t know what else to do. Then there was more of what he was doing, projecting himself. Then eventually he stopped. I think he either got tired or realized there wasn’t anything being accomplished. He didn’t say anything to me. I felt fine after and it didn’t have an effect on me.

Based on what happened I was able to see his nature. He’s aggressive, retaliatory, quick to anger, and controlling. I saw his power on the mind in how he could change the star of David into a pentagram.

If I had to say he looks like anything known by humanity, it would be a dragon – made of fire, but he doesn’t look like a dragon, he looks like a being made of fire. He was staring at me which was apparent but it’s hard to describe the nature. He didn’t want me to see him. He was in the shadow (darkness) at first and when he blew the fire, there was fire everywhere, then he pulled back into the shadow (darkness) and was breathing or appeared to be. So it’s hard to say the nature of his eyes and to get into any further detail in general given how it happened, but he was clearly staring at me and that was unambiguous. He doesn’t look scary while I also wouldn’t describe him as pleasant to look at. I don’t watch horror movies except in certain rare circumstances, to put that into context.

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2022 – added in last paragraph. It was written in 2020 but left out and I improved it a little upon adding it in.