I/W: 2021 General
Metaphysics is a term I used on the about page in the overview saying it’s what the blog mainly deals with. It’s somewhat of a niche term that isn’t that widely known. My personal description is it’s the study of the unknown
It’s made up of two words, meta, and physics. The first primarily meaning analysis, behind, beyond, or among. The second being a branch of science that deals with matter and energy. Based on that you can break it down as an analysis of matter and energy and/or behind/beyond/among it.
It’s difficult to define something unknown because you don’t know what it is. The expanse is very vast. So it’s a wide term in different respects as it can encompass many areas of study, two primarily being philosophy and science.
The Twelve Levels of Infinity of the Twelve Dimensions
A key concept of this study is anything that can be thought already exists because if it didn’t you wouldn’t be able to think about it. In the book “On Writing” by Stephen King, he talks about how fiction writers are archaeologists carefully excavating their story. This falls in line with the first point of all things being thought already existing.
In the book Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant, the author uses the description “Metaphysics is divided into that of the speculative and that of the practical use of pure reason.” This gives another perspective on what metaphysics is.
In this picture, you see Plato on the left pointing up which represents the unknown, and Aristotle on the right directing his hand to the earth which represents the known. It illustrates two different perspectives, do you find meaning by looking at what is unknown or by looking at what is known.

When you look at this next picture of the star of David, you see a triangle point up and another point down, both interlocked together. There’s a symbolic implication in looking at it that heaven and earth are both interlocked so by studying one you can understand the other.

In approaching ideas throughout this blog I usually use an algebra-like method. For example, if you can see 50% of a picture you can get a pretty good idea of what the rest of the picture looks like, or if you know what 1 and 2 are you can figure out 3. It can be difficult to come to definite conclusions as it’s hard to be certain of what you can’t see, but what I post makes enough sense to me to write about it.
Other examples are using the wider implications of special relativity that the laws of physics don’t change no matter where they’re observed from. Plato’s allegory of the cave that suggests actions in one place can have a mirror effect somewhere else. Also, God saying “let us make man in our image, after our likeness” in Genesis 1, which suggests there are strong similarities between humanity and the highest place. All these imply in some way that by looking at what’s known you can get at least an idea of what’s unknown.
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