What Jesus Looks Like Plus His Personality and Traits

I/H/W: 2020     U: 2021          Spirit

This post is in reference to Jesus of Nazareth featured in the gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It’s based on my speaking to him and a vision I had of him returning to earth. Two different events.

A Vision of Jesus Returning to Earth

He has a light tan, much like many Israelis today. It’s his natural skin complexion.

He looks his age of about 33.

His hair is straight and about shoulder length. It’s not thick and I would say it’s between thin and normal thickness. It’s parted in the middle and he’s not balding at all as I can see. Appears to be dark brown.

His beard is patchy, it’s not a full grown beard. Spread out patchy, not patches of hair. It’s also not cut evenly like facial hair today, like it’s been trimmed with a scissor or knife, but not that uneven. I’d say it’s approximately 1/4″ to 1/2″ long. It looks fine and is suiting.

His face has a lot of sweat glands on it, more so than you’d see on people today. It’s oily.

He smiles a lot. He’s almost always smiling as I saw, and he laughs at people’s jokes and seems to laugh a lot in general. It seems common that when he laughs he tilts his head back a bit. It’s not a hysterical laugh but more of a silent one.

His robe is long, hangs out, and open at the front. It’s worn and a bit faded. It looks like he’s owned it for years or longer. It can maybe even be a hand me down from his father or someone else for all I know. It’s a shade of charcoal, dark gray, or a faded black. It’s not solid or striped, I’d describe it more as blotted, or blotted striped blended. If I were a bit closer maybe I could have got this more precise. His robe isn’t fitted but rather a bit loose, though not too loose, it does fit well and strikes me as he tried it on before acquiring it. He wore a white garment underneath that looked like a discolored white or maybe beige almost.

He was wearing sandals that look different than ours today. I didn’t get a really clear view of them so can’t describe them in great detail.

He’s tough, a tough guy. Strong. Lean. He’s not really jacked but could be a bit, it’s hard to tell by what he’s wearing. It does look like he works out. Doesn’t look skinny/weak in any way. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s ripped with no shirt on but I didn’t see this. His forearms are strong. I could see this in how he was walking. They’re like bricks.

When he walks, he walks with his arms to his side, parted from his body. It’s cool, and even a bit funny in a way. It’s not that he’s trying to act or look tough, it’s just how he walks. It may have something to do with how his robe hangs out. His elbows are closer to his body than his hands. And it looks like his fists are clenched or a bit at least which appears to be their natural posture.. He’s not tense when he walks and there’s a bit of a swivel like movement to it. Looks natural.

He looks like he’s no shorter than 5′ 9″ and could be as tall as 6′ 2″ but really I think not shorter than 5′ 11″. Maybe, maybe as tall as 6′ 3″. I couldn’t see this accurately because of my vantage point so can’t say for sure, it’s a rough gauge. But I have an impression he’s the higher part of this estimate. If I had to make an exact estimated guess I’d say 6′ 1 and a 1/2″.

He’s really friendly and he’s also very normal. He’s a person. Like someone you’d meet at your local grocery store. Down to earth.

His voice is not low tone or high tone and not monotone. Somewhere in the middle. Not sure how to describe it better. Overall I get the feeling he’s more of a listener than a talker.

He comes across as really self confident while not pushing into being arrogant. This was evident by how open he was to talk to me and how he wasn’t shy at all. He didn’t ever talk over me too. He talks then finishes, then you talk and finish, then he talks. Very civil.

He said to me “tell them,” which was in the context of what he looks like and is like.

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2021 – added in his beard length and shade/pattern details about his robe.