What Jeremiah Looks Like: A Worn Out Mystic

I/H/W: 2021          Spirit

This post is in reference to the prophet Jeremiah who authored the biblical books Jeremiah, Lamentations, and 1 and 2 Kings.

When I saw Jeremiah I didn’t try to nor did he visit me but it rather just happened. At first I was unsure about it so I thought I’d wait some time to see if it would happen again. After several months I wasn’t able to see him again. I decided to write it down to avoid forgetting. This is what I saw:

He has long straight dark brown hair that falls below his shoulders but not too far. It’s not glamorous in any way and it doesn’t look like he takes care of it as it’s uncombed and a bit messy.

He’s thin but not very thin and seems like he may be a bit frail.

He has a very mystical look to him. He’s the kind of person that if you saw him in a room and didn’t know who he was, your attention would be drawn to him. There’s something spiritual and transmundane about him and his presence. He has a cool look.

He looks really emotionally worn out as well and maybe a bit stressed. It transcends onto his physical appearance making his physique look a little worn too.

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