What God “Looks” Like Plus His Personality

I/H/W: 2020          Spirit


Below are attributes God showed me of his being. He showed them to me separately. I imagine because seeing them together would have been chaotic and hard to understand at once. He never told me specifically what I was seeing. I’ve titled the attributes based on what I interpret them as.

Based on everything I’ve seen, he’s a being, has a consciousness, and is non-physical. I’ll say humans being made in his image according to the bible is accurate. This was evident to me. He has characteristics like people do, personality traits.

When I was starting this blog I asked God how do I not make mistakes? He answered “you’re a human.” That pretty much sets the stage for the difference between God and humans.

God’s Nature and Personality

God showed me his nature and personality. Based on what I saw, it’s hard to get it really accurate, and I don’t think God can be depicted properly with words to be honest. But this is my best writing of it.

I’ll describe it as soft, meaning comforting. On the level, meaning I didn’t feel in any way like we were unequal. To clarify that more, it was casual, like a friend to friend. He didn’t look at me as a subordinate in any way.

One big difference is I could gauge his pacing is very different than humans. He struck me as patient and calm. He doesn’t really seem to experience emotions either, at least not how we do or know them, not to say he doesn’t feel anything. Emotionally static in a sense, or rather very controlled, maybe. I’m sure there’s more to his emotions I didn’t see.

He struck me as both complex and simple. Complex in that I didn’t entirely get him and I could tell there are many layers to his being. Simple in that he’s a simple being in how he presents himself and wasn’t trying to be complicated in any way. So complex in nature, and simple by choice. I guess.

Based on him saying “you’re a human” mentioned above, he’s very blunt in his communication. This is clear to me from other things he’s said to me as well. Humans tend to beat around the bush and have a lot of subtext to what they say, often leaving the receiver to interpret what they mean. But God is rather very straightforward.

I’ve found that he doesn’t repeat himself. He’ll just say something once and that’s it.

I also find that he’s easy to get along with. But that could just be my opinion.


I saw bubbles being formed one by one at a relaxed pace that wasn’t very slow or fast. They seemed large.

God’s Epicenter

God showed me his epicenter, which is possibly a component of his heart.

What I saw is the greatest innocence in all existence that is perfect pureness and the most vulnerable thing in all existence.

It appeared as if it was choking and I felt that even me just seeing it was causing it pain but it could be how it always is.

I said it was okay for him to conceal it as I saw it enough to understand it, but he didn’t. Eventually, he did later or I just stopped seeing it. So I imagine that’s how it always is based on that.

God’s State

God showed me his state of being. He’s tired.

I didn’t know it’s possible for him to be tired. But I guess it makes sense because in Genesis it says he rested on the seventh day. If you’re not tired there wouldn’t be a point of resting. Unless if it was a leisure type of rest. I’m not sure how this works but I imagine it works wildly different than how it does with humans. Meaning I don’t think it’s as simple as taking a nap and feeling reenergized.

What God “Looks” Like

So he is non-physical from everything I’ve seen and as far as I know. But I did have a vision of Archangel Michael with who I’m pretty sure was him. So what I saw I’m pretty sure is a representation of him. It’s at the end of this post:

What Archangel Michael Looks Like Plus His Nature (DIRECT)


Pretty much all of what I saw made sense to me in some way at least. The only one that didn’t was the bubbles. I had no clue what that was about and it felt like an anomaly. But I did see it so I included it. I imagine it must mean something.

In terms of how I saw these things, I just did. You just see it and you know what you’re seeing. It’s like another sense. I guess it’s kind of hard to describe but this gives an idea at least.

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