The Four Winds of Heaven Are the Four Realms

I/W: 2021          Theory


This post goes over how the four winds of heaven, mentioned seven times throughout the Hebrew bible, are the same as the four realms. Heaven takes on the meaning of the expanse, meaning universe, as illustrated in Genesis 1:8. The four realms being the twelve dimensions split in four, explained here:

The Four Realms: Spirit, Soul, Future/Past, and Us

Wind is translated from a Hebrew word that can also mean spirit. So it seems the Hebrew word can have the meaning of moving spirit because wind moves. And that’s fitting because each of its four quarters moves as explained in Ezekiel’s vision of wheels. When I wrote the four realms post I hadn’t realized it’s the same thing as the four winds. Regardless, I think realm is a more appropriate word, in English.

Ezekiel’s Vision of Wheels Explained: Realms and Dimensions

The below headings give a verse where it’s mentioned, followed by a brief heading description, followed by the wider verses that give more context in brackets. You can click the verse headings to read the verse and then click read full chapter on that page to look at the wider context.

Jeremiah 49:36 – A Prophecy About Elam (context 34-39)

The use of it here is very powerful. It gives a glimpse into God’s purpose of creating the universe and intelligent life. At face value, this is a prophecy against Elam, a real place in ancient days. But it also takes on a hidden spiritual meaning. Such is good writing.

The meanings of Elam are young man/woman, virgin, hidden, tree, and forever, which sets the basis for the spiritual meaning of what’s being talked about. Look back to the story of Adam and Eve’s fall in Genesis. “I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might (35).” Intelligent life in its perfection split and sent into the four realms – “I will scatter them to all those winds (realms)(36).” “Nation (36)” would embody all inhabitable places throughout the four realms in this context. Then it goes on to say that God will bring his fierce anger on Elam until he consumes them, and destroys their kings and officials until he sets up his throne there. So he’s basically exhausting intelligent life until he takes his throne. And it ends by saying the fortunes of Elam will be restored. Looking at the meanings of the word again you can see their basis. Young man-woman/virgin = perfect intelligent life essentially. Hidden = hidden meaning in scripture. Tree = to grow/evolve, and multiply/offspring/descendants. Forever = immortal existence.

How the Realms Work Together: Ezekiel’s Vision of Four Creatures

Dimensions 1, 4, 7, and 10 as Travel to Completion of Existence

The four quarters in verse 36 would specifically refer to the fourth realm where God resides, dimensions 11 and 12 specifically, talked about in the Ezekiel wheels post linked above. Such a mention makes you wonder if Jeremiah had read Ezekiel’s vision of the four wheels. But either way, I think it displays how each of their writings was divinely inspired which is obvious if he didn’t read it because they mention the same thing, the quarters. And if he did, Ezekiel doesn’t seem to know the four winds are the same as the four wheels, as God mentions the four winds to him (next section) rather than seeing them in a vision like the wheels, so Jeremiah likely wouldn’t know they’re the same either.

Ezekiel 37:9 – Come From The Four Winds (context 1-14)

This is God telling Ezekiel (son of man) to speak to the breath from the four winds to bring the breath into the dry bones (now covered with skin) because they’re lifeless, which is illustrated in verse 8. If you don’t breathe you’re not alive. So in more plain language, he’s saying to give them the breath of life from the four realms which encompass all existence and include the 4th realm (ox/cherub), the source of power, which co-exists within the other three realms.

Daniel 7:2 – Stirring Up The Great Sea (context 1-8)

This implies the four winds are responsible, or at least in part, for the beasts arising from this sea because they stir it. If the four winds stirring the sea meant nothing, there wouldn’t be a point of writing it in, so you can assume it’s responsible in some capacity. And this aligns with the first spirit prophecy in Jeremiah, assuming these four beasts are bad which they seem they are. The four realms are both positive and negative.

The Four Realms Explored Further

Daniel 8:8 – The Ram and The Goat (context 1-27)

At face value, this one seems to imply these four horns pose some kind of a threat to the four realms. “There came up four conspicuous horns toward the four winds of heaven (8).” If it’s not implying the horns pose some kind of threat then I don’t know what it’s saying. Verse 22 goes on to describe the four horns as four kingdoms to arise. The idea of these horns posing a threat to the four realms illustrates how what happens on earth has ripple effects throughout the universe.

Daniel 11:4 – A Kingdom Broken and Divided (context: chp 10, chp 11, chp 12)

The safest bet is to not look into this one as it’s part of a larger context where chapter 12 says “Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end” and “for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end.” But I’m still going to say what I think it’s talking about.

It seems to align with the end of the first Jeremiah prophecy. In Daniel’s days, the common practice was for the king’s position to be passed on to his child/heir. But this says “not to his posterity (4).” It also says “as soon as he has arisen, his kingdom shall be broken and divided toward the four winds of heaven (4).” God says in Jeremiah 49:38 “I will set my throne in Elam,” which justifies “not to his posterity (4)” because the kingdom will be given to God, which explains it will “be broken and divided toward the four winds (realms) of heaven,” as it will be connected straight to the top, the fourth realm. “His kingdom shall be plucked up and go to others besides these (his posterity)(4),” the power/kingship will ultimately go to the inhabitants within the kingdom because the one on the throne, God, is a benevolent being. The earth will be in a different state which would make such a thing possible, “for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11:9.

The New Earth: A Look at What It Is and Will Be Like

Zechariah 2:6 – Spread Abroad As The Four Winds of Heaven (context: 1-13)

This passage addresses “you (“from the land of the north (6)”) who dwell with the daughter of Babylon (7)” and says to them to “escape to Zion (7),” where “I will dwell in your midst, declares the Lord (10).” It also says to them “I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heavens, declares the Lord (6).” So it’s using the spreading of the four winds as an illustration of how these people were spread. In certain ways, it links back to the first Jeremiah prophecy in the idea of an eventual restoration.

Zechariah 6:5 – The Four Chariots (context: 1-8)

This talks about a vision of four chariots, each with different colored horses, coming out from between two mountains, and “going out toward the four winds of heaven (5).” It goes on to say “the chariot with the black horses goes toward the north country, the white ones go after them, and the dappled ones go toward the south country (6).”

I’d say this could maybe link back to Zechariah chapter 2 above. “Flee from the land of the north” (2:6). Babylon was north of Israel (Zion). And going into Zion would be going south. The battle of light (white horses) and darkness (black horses) on the earth, symbolized by Babylon. The dappled horse going south somehow represents Zion. I’m not sure what the dappled horses would mean. The passage doesn’t say anything about which way the red horses go.

Otherwise, I don’t know what this is talking about.

A Description of Metaphysics and My Personal Approach to Material

The Four Rivers in Genesis Are the Four Realms

How Higher Consciousness Works Based on the Dimensions

The Twelve Levels of Infinity of the Twelve Dimensions

What the 5th/6th Dimension / 2nd Realm Is Like Based on Personal Experience