Extraterrestrials and Starseeds: They’re Out There and Here

I/W: 2020          General


When thinking of extraterrestrials, thoughts may come of conspiracy theories and green beings. Because there’s not a great deal known about them the implications can run wide. Extraterrestrial means “outside, or originating outside, the limits of the earth” – taken from dictionary.com, which is straight forward enough. Technically the definition can encompass angels and even God.

How Likely Is It That Extraterrestrials Exist

By looking at what we know for certain you can make a strong assumption that the existence of extraterrestrials is very highly likely. We already know more than one species existing is possible. You can see this by going to the zoo. And we know there’s more than one planet from looking at our solar system and beyond it. The problem is ETs haven’t been openly discovered, and our current technology makes it seem that if they’re out there they’re very far and beyond our reach.

Extraterrestrials and the Bible

Outside the obvious Nephilim, there are many mentions of angels. Even with all these mentions of angels, they’re not that well understood. In the case of the ones who visited Abraham, they were physical because they sat and ate with them. My experience with angels is they’re non-physical. Based on this I think the angels who visited Abraham could have maybe been ETs from another planet, and likely others mentioned in the bible too. Because they have strong spirits they would have auras which make them seem like they’re angels. I personally classify good ETs as a part of Elohim.

What Archangel Michael Looks Like Plus His Nature

A Visit From A Superhuman Extraterrestrial Woman

Why Have They Not Made Open Contact

I think much more will become known about ETs in general through time. They’re supposed to make open contact with our planet at some point as there are currently certain things holding them back right now which I’ve read about. There are universal laws having to do with them not being allowed to intervene with our free will and development. The majority of the planet has to be ready or willing to accept them. Because humans can’t get along with each other, they can’t trust we’d get along with them. We don’t have a collective council that represents the planet where they can make contact. The U.N. is the closest thing to this but not sufficient. I think these reasons are totally plausible. Based on this, it’s not a matter of if they’re ready to come but a matter of if we’re ready for them to come.

Popular ETs

Some of the popular ET races are Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Orions, and Arcturians. These all being good ETs or seeming so for the most part. Pleiadians are the closest resembling to us. My experience, with what I think is them, has been they are very nice, great people. The bad ETs are believed to be Draconians and Reptillians. I don’t know the origin of these ET titles.

What Can We Learn From ETs

The ETs mentioned above are believed to exist in higher dimensions. This being the case, if you can find reliable information on and from them there is a tonne you can learn from them. Some can channel them or I guess communicate with them through other means. One can do their research and you’d have to use your discretion on if the information seems valid or not as anyone can technically claim they’re receiving messages from ETs.

What Are They Doing

Without having open contact it’s hard to know, but I’d say they’re keeping busy with their own problems that I’m sure are far bigger and more complicated than ours. From what I’ve read the good ETs have a space army called the Galactic Federation that’s composed of various species from different planets. Its purpose is to maintain order and peace in the universe by taking on the bad ETs. I think they’re helping earth behind the scenes or better put could be our guardians in space.


This concept is that the human soul has lived lives as other beings on other planets. To be able to accept it you’d first have to acknowledge reincarnation exists. The word meaning seems self-explanatory, a “star” – which is outside the earth’s atmosphere, “seed”ed on the ground.

There are varying views on starseeds, ranging from only some on the earth are starseeds here to help it, with others only having reincarnations on earth, and so on. Based on my theory of the four realms, I do think everyone is a starseed in some capacity, given everyone has a soul and spirit. Overall it can be hard to say anything for sure about starseeds or even extraterrestrials, but I will say when it all boils down to it, every being and everything are one.

These links go over more about starseeds and their traits:

Link 1

Link 2

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