Adam’s Rib Is Referring to His DNA Helix

21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made[h] into a woman and brought her to the man. Genesis 2:21-22

This post will explain that the rib referred to in the above passage is a substitute description for Adam’s DNA helix, which is what was taken from him as opposed to his rib.

The reason it uses the description of Adam’s rib is because the DNA helix wasn’t discovered yet. The writer wouldn’t be able to document something he has no knowledge of. A picture of the DNA helix is above.

DNA is a human’s blueprint, that it’s where the instruction for their composition derives from. Ribs don’t accomplish this.

A translation can be one rib but the translation of one can also be united. So the translation can also be to the likes of rib union, referring to the rib cage as opposed to just one rib.

The actual coding of the DNA is in the adjacent lines of the helix that look like ladder steps, similar to how the ribs look.

For the descriptor to represent the DNA helix as best as possible, it would have to be part of Adam as DNA is, be known by people at the time, and be as visually similar to DNA as possible to represent it effectively. Looking at other human components of which there are many of the same or similar, there isn’t anything I can think of that is as visually similar to the DNA helix as the ribs. Some examples are hair, teeth, fingers, and toes. None of these visually represent the helix as well as the ribs do.

All this said, if God created humans (Ge 1:27) it’s expected he should be well aware of the DNA helix.

In this framework, where the passage says “and closed up its place with flesh”, this would likely be a reference to Eve. Adam’s DNA is extracted and when Eve is finished being created, she’s closed up with flesh.

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