How the Realms Work Together: Ezekiel’s Vision of Four Creatures

I/W: 2021          Theory

This post expands on the four realms post I did by explaining how the realms work together, tying it to the four living creatures and faces in Ezekiel’s vision. This post:

The Four Realms: Spirit, Soul, Future/Past, and Us

Ezekiel describes in chapters 1 and 10 of his book Ezekiel four living creatures that each have four faces: human, lion, eagle, and cherub. He specifies in chapter 10 that the creatures he’s describing are the same he saw at the Chebar Canal, that was in chapter 1. Chapter 1 uses the face of an ox in place of a cherub. I explain what the ox face means in bullet point 9 of this post:

Ezekiel’s Vision of Wheels Explained: Realms and Dimensions (DIRECT)

What’s being communicated in his vision is four pieces that are completely separate while also one. Four creatures, each with four different faces. If there were no separation, saying there’s only one creature with four faces would suffice. If he were to say four creatures that each have one face, each being one of the four, it wouldn’t communicate they’re the same. One creature per realm/wheel, and one of its faces representing the realm/wheel it’s in, while also being one with the other faces.

In simple terms, the human is us, the lion is us in the future, the eagle is where our soul’s memory of all its lifetimes are stored, and the cherub is what we were created from. And we exist in all four realms.

At some point in the future humanity will exist in the 2nd realm, the lion, in a state of higher consciousness. All the lives of a person from the start of the 1st realm until the end of the 2nd realm are stored in the 3rd realm where you’re co-existing at the same time.

The twin flame concept shows a soul can exist in two bodies at once, as a form of further verification that soul co-existence is possible. So if existing in two at once is possible I’d imagine more than two would be possible as well across different planets. But can’t say for sure.

It’s possible too we could exist in the 2nd realm now. The following is just an idea and I can’t say it’s true. The Pleiadians are said to be the closest resembling to humans and also care most about humans of all other ETs. What if we’re them in the future? They’re watching over us to make sure we head into the future properly, like our guardians in space. It’s kind of a bit of a paradox. But if you bypass time when you pass the 4th dimension, it could maybe be possible.

They exist in a different galaxy. At some point in the future earth will probably become overpopulated and technology will be far more advanced. So advanced that we could travel to other galaxies. When this becomes possible, humanity can relocate to the galaxy where Pleiadians are believed to be now. The atmosphere plus maybe science and other factors can slightly change human’s appearances, and we become the Pleiadians. Can’t say for sure, but it’s a thought.

In the 4th realm it’s possible all humans can have an angel who is them. Or at least their own spirit body that exists there, which can maybe be classified as the same thing. It’s hard to say for sure, but all humans are connected to the spirit so they would exist there in some way. And it’s this realm – the ox – that powers you in the other three. “God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”” Gen 1:26.

The creatures Ezekiel sees are cherubs with human likeness which is clarified in chapter 10. This implies the cherub is the foundation of the faces too. The ox face, cherub face, and cherub creature with human likeness all represent the 4th realm (spirit), and co-exist with the other three. This is explained further in the Ezekiel wheels post linked above too.

Another way the realms would be connected is in consciousness.

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