How Polarity and Density Began and Exist

I/W: 2021     H: 2020     U: 2022, 2023          Theory, Spirit

Polarity and density came into existence when Satan was cast out of heaven. This event happening is mainly based on Ezekiel 28. This link goes into describing why it’s assumed the chapter is referring to Satan. It looks at Isaiah 14 as another chapter communicating the same thing. There’s also a mention by Jesus referring to Satan falling like lightning from heaven in Luke 10, and Revelation 12 talks about Satan and his angels being hurled down from heaven.


When Satan was cast from heaven the foundation for polarity was set in place. All polarities and opposites are essentially modeled on this separation and exist because of it, while also of course being unique in their own nature. Some for example are hot and cold, high and low, black and white, and so on. The setup for the foundation for creation is in Genesis 1:3-4, God let there be light and separated it from the darkness. Without this original separation, you can’t have polarity because there would just be one (light). One is the kingdom. One is one. You can’t have an opposite from it if there’s nothing to compare it to because it’s all there is.

I think the light and darkness it’s talking about are the angels (light) and the fall of angels to become what’s known as demons (darkness). The verses in Genesis parallel the verses in Ezekiel well. God (and cherubs) represents light, Satan (and demons) represents darkness. Satan was a cherub and was cast out (Ezekiel 28:14,16), so the description in Genesis of “God separated the light from the darkness” is fitting as opposed to him creating it. It’s not entirely clear if light and God (and cherubs) are one and the same and it’s not entirely clear if darkness and Satan (and demons) are one and the same. Before God let there be light, he would have already existed, because if he didn’t he wouldn’t have been able to let there be light. So his existence isn’t reliant on light, but his DNA is reliant on light and darkness. Also, the spirit realm (realm 4) isn’t bounded by spacetime/time/linear motion, like realm 1 is (the 3D universe).

God’s DNA Is in Humans / The Nature of God’s Existence

How God Sees 4D Spacetime / A Look at Dimensional Perspective

Back to Ezekiel 28, it’s important to note God’s use of the “king of Tyre” as the cherub who fell from heaven. Before Ezekiel’s lifetime, Solomon made a substantial alliance with the king of Tyre for help in building the first temple. It’s even possible the temple couldn’t have been built without the help of the King of Tyre. The temple is the heart of Zion and Zion is the closest thing to God’s kingdom on earth. So there’s a use of symbolism here. The king of Tyre was a necessity in building the temple and Satan is a necessity in creation. Such a stance helps explain why evil exists. It also highlights God and Satan’s complex relationship that they’re allies while also adversaries which the book of Job illustrates.

The Days of Creation in Genesis Are Phases and Light

I drew this triangle with the four realms labeled inside it and two arrows to demonstrate polarity and how it alters:

The Four Realms: Spirit, Soul, Future/Past, and Us

It’s a simple picture and a general concept that is more complicated than this but still gives a good idea of the fundamentals. As the image shows, our realm has the widest range of polarity. But the polarity decreases in each realm you go up, as the triangle shrinks.

This makes sense to me for a few reasons. The Pleiadians are typically recorded as having less dense bodies and are generally known to exist in the 2nd realm. Archangel Michael’s nature is very non dense too which was evident by how he transmutes and shapeshifts. He’s a 4th realm being, a cherub. Also what’s known about the new earth indicates there will be less polarity. There is more detail on this topic below including the idea of the new earth having some similarity to Eden.

What Archangel Michael Looks Like Plus His Nature


Keeping on the topic of density, it also has its own polarity from dense to less dense or solid to gas. This polarity is what brought physicality to be and because we’re physical it’s essential for our existence. So our physical existence is reliant on the existence of Satan.

Genesis 2 communicates good and evil existed before humans fell through sin, and light and darkness, a form of polarity, existed before they were created. Also in The First Book of Adam and Eve, it talks about how after Adam and Eve were cast from the garden, the first sunrise scared them and Adam thought it was a plague of burning heat sent by God. This suggests they weren’t used to it and were in a state of bliss before their fall, with limited polarities, such as not feeling the discomfort of heat.

The New Earth: A Look at What It Is and Will Be Like

Revelation 20 talks about Satan being locked in the abyss for a thousand years so he can’t deceive the nations, which translates as a thousand years of peace. Satan still existing supports the argument of our physical existence being reliant on his existence.

So the question becomes now when evil is completely gone, and polarity no longer exists, how are we going to exist as physical beings? I’m not sure how to even comprehend this and at first thought it was impossible to. Then God said to me “I will show you.” So at some point when that happens, I can write it into the blog.

The Four Realms Explored Further

Ezekiel’s Vision of Wheels Explained: Realms and Dimensions

Dimensions 1, 4, 7, and 10 as Travel to Completion of Existence

What Satan “Looks” Like Plus His Personality

Extraterrestrials and Starseeds: They’re Out There and Here

A Description of Metaphysics and My Personal Approach to Material 


2023 – added in paragraph about the king of Tyre symbolism.

2022 – added in second paragraph after polarity subheading which talks more about light, darkness, etc.