What Isaiah Looks Like: The Man Who Glows Gold

I/H/W: 2020          Spirit

This post is in reference to the prophet Isaiah who wrote the biblical book Isaiah or part of it.

I sought the face of Isaiah. This is what happened and is what I saw:

What first struck me about him was his hair and his height (what he looks like is further below). I tried to see his face but was unable to. At first, I wasn’t sure why. He said “go away,” with a tone that he wanted to be left alone. So I hung out away from him until the point he saw I wasn’t a threat, then he warmed up to me. From then on things were fine but I still couldn’t see his face.

At a later time, he said “I’m a freak,” and seemed disheartened and insecure. I told him I wouldn’t write about what he looks like if he didn’t want me to, but he seemed to not know what I was talking about. Having warmed up to the company, afterward he said “don’t go.”

After this, I was told “leave him” by a voice of authority and wasn’t sure why. I left him. The same voice then said to me “he has to learn,” as an answer to me being unsure of why I was told to leave.

After leaving him I realized I had visited him in what I think was his lifetime. This would be possible because the spirit isn’t bounded by time. So I both saw what he looks like and visited him, each was different but happened alongside each other, and I couldn’t see him in the latter. Overall it was over about a month I tried to see his face and the span of the visit was during this time. Months later I realized he couldn’t understand anything I said to him.

This is what he looks like:

He looks about 6′ 5″. I say about but get a gut feeling that height is really close or even right on. His lower body is bigger than his upper body. Sort of pair shaped but not quite. Not necessarily a lot bigger, but bigger, noticeably.

He seemed young based on the encounter. Because I didn’t see his face it’s hard to say how old.

His hair is reddish blonde. It’s a rare color I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. It’s curly. Looks thick. The curl rings are big. They also aren’t evenly spread out like you’d see with a perm for example. Natural curls. If one were to hang over his forehead it would reach about his eyebrow. Hard to say how long it would be straightened.

He has a gold aura. I could see it radiate around and off his body. Like 2-3′ off roughly, but doesn’t really work like that distance wise.

I was hesitant to write this post because of the nature of it, given it goes into his personal space. Because I wasn’t told not to write about it, he’s technically passed on, and it’s relatable, I figured it’s okay.

What Ezekiel Looks Like: A Powerhouse Spirit

What Samson Looks Like: The Man Made of Iron

What Jesus Looks Like Plus His Personality and Traits

How I See People and Their Faces, Blog Specific

What Jeremiah Looks Like: A Worn Out Mystic