My Experiences With Spiritual Communication

This post goes over my experiences communicating spiritually with humans and non-humans. Simply, the bulk of the communications are either wholly spiritual, or spiritual combined with the language I speak, English.

In 2011, at the age of 24, I heard from God directly in two instances spread apart by months. In both instances, he spoke in English, I didn’t see him, it was inaudible in 3D reality, and brief. They are the clearest forms of English communication I have ever experienced in my life. Each of these instances were alike in nature. The voice was abysmal, boundless, sturdy, authoritative, potent, staid, lucid, calm, peaceful, friendly, equipoised, and striking. The experience is a bit like seeing a vast panorama of landscape or outer space.

Some ten years later, starting in the summer of 2020, I had multiple encounters, experiences, and revelations, including God speaking to me more regularly. His communication was initially again spiritual and English but without, mainly, the characteristics of abysmal, potent, striking, and the like seeing panorama experience. Simply, it was more mundane. In addition, I communicated with various ancient Israelites who I also heard from in this same form, spiritual and human language, English. I documented these encounters and they’re indexed on the home/index page in the early years. I also communicated with various non-ancient Israelites. The connections with humans didn’t always involve communication.

How I See People and Their Faces, Blog Specific

The nature of this communication is like being in an expanded consciousness combined with spirit. The non-English speakers I heard in English. In terms of how it’s translated, I’m not entirely sure. The translations were short and simple. Native English speakers I heard from were much more fluid, mundane everyday speech. In comparison, the translations I received can be a bit more clunky. There was one other person who wasn’t an ancient Israelite who I think didn’t speak English, based on the encounters with him. He was an elder man and likely Jewish. I wrote about that a bit, and more, in this linked post:

A Conversation With Ezekiel: “You’re a Prophet” 

The next form of communication is only spiritual. I’ll start off by saying, this form of communication is astronomically, and I mean astronomically, better than human language. The nuance is remarkable and it’s far more natural. It feels like it’s the way people should be communicating. There’s no trying to figure out what someone is saying and feeling. It’s like, or is, seeing into the deep parts of the person, how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, and so on. To put it further in perspective, I think what would take minutes to explain in human language, can be explained in seconds in spirit language. It’s really amazing.

With God, it was spirit and English in 2011 and also at first in 2020 as mentioned, then he transitioned to just spirit. Maybe it was a courtesy thing to speak in my native tongue first. I’m not entirely sure. I was also able to communicate this way with the elder man, and John, who wrote Revelation. Both of these particular communications with these two individuals were brief. With John, it was more so me just seeing his state of being.

An Encounter With John the Writer of Revelation

The ET superhuman woman I communicated with has only done so through spirit only. I originally tried to communicate with her through spirit and English but it wouldn’t work. What’s amazing too about her is she has impeccable timing in when she chooses to communicate. Not too late. Not too early. Just right at the perfect time based on what’s going on. This leads me to believe she sees spacetime how God sees it. She hasn’t identified herself but she knows of the ETs who spoke to Daniel (Bible person) and may be associated with them. She had explained to me what one of them was explaining to Daniel, in his book, in relation to Gog and Magog Beyond, which I saw (not yet posted).

A Visit From A Superhuman Extraterrestrial Woman

How God Sees 4D Spacetime / A Look at Dimensional Perspective

There’s also another ET I’ve communicated with who is a male. This ET has only communicated through spirit and English. This one hasn’t identified themself either. So I don’t know why one chooses one form over the other. I’ve confidently categorized this being as an ET based on the encounters, that they are capable of things humans aren’t.

Additionally, I’ve received communications through imagery and visions, including 100% reality in nature, allegorical, and written. With these ones, I don’t know precisely who’s sending them, up to this point.

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