A Conversation With Ezekiel: “You’re a Prophet”

I/W: 2022     H: 2020          Spirit

This post goes over all the things Ezekiel or his spirit said to me after my account of seeing him and his spirit. And I include my narration to fill in the context of what’s being said. It also hits on other things said to me by others in similar contexts.

What Ezekiel Looks Like: A Powerhouse Spirit

These things he said to me, and the additional things by others, occurred during the summer of 2020 when I had just turned 34. They were over that summer. All my posts with H: 2020 happened in this time period, partially in this period, or shortly after.

The first thing he said was “I’m you.”

Then “You’re a prophet.” Upon first hearing this I felt very uneasy. Not even in the slightest did I want to be a prophet. It was something I had no interest in doing and I felt more repelled by the idea than I felt attracted.

Then he said “Be you.” Which was in regard to my state outlined in the last paragraph. Basically, he was saying to just be yourself.

“Be a priest.” “Be an evangelist.” These would take on the context of his time which is how I’ve interpreted them.

“____ you,” in reference to a non public person being me. “Teach.” “Lead.” With lead, I think it’s in the context of don’t wait around for things to happen but rather take initiative to go into the unknown, as certain things I discuss are unfamiliar.

“Show them what you’re like.” “Show them your heart.” The second one he said when I was setting out to retake my headshot as I didn’t like how the prior batch I took came out. I was going to use it for this blog and needed a more recent one in general. When I had set out to try and take a better one he said the heart comment. So I think it was in the context of look inward and not outward. I still ended up taking the second round of pictures. And of course, the comment could have been general in tandem.

 “Build a following.” In brief, I think it’s saying don’t start when you’re seventy years old. I don’t want or have any desire to be followed which is why I don’t interpret it plainly. I get into this one more in the paragraph after the next one.

“Be a light.” “You will preach.”

In my uncertainty about the whole thing, myself from the future said to myself in the present “You’re a prophet.” And myself in the future had absolutely no doubt whatsoever when he said this. Hearing it from Ezekiel who was alive around 2500 years ago is one thing, but I think hearing something from yourself gives you that extra level of comfort and helps eliminate uncertainty. So even though I didn’t initially feel comfortable with the whole thing, I felt that at some point in the future I’d fully embrace it so it made sense to get started by moving into it. Also taking into account events prior to the summer 2020 period. And I think that’s what that “following” comment above played into, to start early.

So it’s a task of becoming who you are. The idea of being a prophet feels strange to me but I rather feel captivated by the idea of trying to help out. I had read the bible around 1-1 1/2 times prior to these events while also reading different parts time to time. So I knew I’d have to freshen up on everything and get to know it all much more.

Initially, I had felt really burdened by the whole thing, everything considered. When I had felt this, God said “I will help you.”

Some months after, he removed his spirit for a few seconds and then put it back to show me it was there. I wasn’t even aware it was there because of how subtle and gentle it is, but when he did that I saw a very clear difference. He must have put it there when all the different events in summer 2020 were happening which is why I didn’t notice. The experience has been like a slow burn.

I had said to God “But I don’t talk to people,” and he responded “That’s what I like about you.” I don’t literally not talk to people. It was rather meant in the context of I’m not the biggest engager. So playing on the idea of wouldn’t it make more sense for someone more engaging to take this on.

After all the things I saw and experiences I had in the summer of 2020, I began designing this blog as it seemed like a route that made sense to share the experiences, and had it up and running about four months later. I had thoughts of starting one prior too. I wrote out most of the things I saw and experiences of summer 2020 after their happening and God said “Take a break.” With different contexts, I also had an elder man, who’s been helping me out in the spirit with different things, say to me “patience.” And Jesus said “Take your time.” It’s not that I was rushing, but rather the point was don’t feel rushed or pressured in any way with anything, also playing into the initial overwhelmed feeling.

I asked God how do I not make mistakes or screw up, and he responded “You’re a human.” Which is completely right. So all things in account my approach is to do my best, realize my limitations, and move at a comfortable pace.

What I like is it’s been a relaxed environment with little to no pressure. What also really enticed me is I quite liked all the ancient Israelites I had interacted with. They’re all people I’d get along with really well in real life. All normal people. And others I connected with too.

I almost felt like I had an obligation to share the things that I had seen. If I hadn’t it would almost be like they had never happened. Also that they could be of value to people.

I feel too like the things talked about in this blog are the be all and end all of everything. The most important questions. Things like where we come from? The nature of higher power? etc. So I see it too as participating or helping in the journey of humanity in general, in whatever capacity.

At the end of the day, this is a personal blog, which I’m authoring, and one of free thinking. It’s a mix of things where I talk about ideas, theories, things I see in the spirit, and whatever else. For the most part, I enjoy it too. I like trying to understand things, thinking about big concepts, and exploring the unknown.

In terms of things I see in the spirit and revelations, I try to share as much as I can. The exceptions are if there are things that are personal or I’m uncomfortable writing about.

God had also said to me “You will earn it.”

After my initial feelings of not wanting to do this, I got to a point where I figured I’d just roll with it. So now I’m just doing it and going with the flow.

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