Insight Into Why Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 Were Given

I/W: 2022     H: 2021          Spirit, Theory


This post gives insight into what the two following verses mean based on God explaining them to me in part. I give some of my own insight into it after and along the way.

The verses are:

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Leviticus 20:13
Insight Into Meaning

The reason why he says this is because it puts him in a state of discomfort. It may be appropriate to say a state of pain. He had shown me the state of being it puts him in. It’s hard for me to distinguish between pain or discomfort because he’s not a human. But it appears to be enough of an issue for him to have said it. The direction of them being put to death conveys it is really serious.

I think the obvious question is why and how does this put him in a state of discomfort? I don’t know as I wasn’t told. How he exists and dwells still isn’t understood well. I will say he is extremely sensitive and it’s hard to emphasize how much he is. He had shown me that at a different earlier time (epicenter part):

What God “Looks” Like Plus His Personality (DIRECT)

A Further Look At What This Can Mean

To put this in context, these verses are directed at Israel. At the beginning of each of their chapters, it explains the Lord said this to Moses to say to Israel.

A method of interpreting these verses further can be done by determining if this applies to all times or a specific time, and if and where it logistically applies. An assumption is it applies to where Zion is with the tabernacle or temple set up with God’s presence visible, like when this was given in a mobile Zion, the desert. He would be dwelling on earth with and where who this is directed at are present, Israel. Zion could not have been specified because the term wasn’t in place yet, as far as I know. Also, even if it were, there isn’t a precise consensus on what Zion is and what it entails. So the direction is rather given in a way that the reader has to fill in the gaps themself.

Reading the verses plainly as they are, it appears to only be directed at males and not females. If it does apply specifically to where Zion is, it could be specific to only people performing the action while in Zion, but not applying to people in Zion who have performed the action outside of Zion.

But it’s hard to determine these things overall. Maybe someone else can interpret this better than I have.

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