A Vision of Jesus Returning to Earth

I/H/W: 2020          Spirit

I had a vision of Jesus returning to earth that lasted about 2-3 seconds.

It was on grass and appeared to maybe be the bottom outskirt of a large hill. A lot of people scattered and somewhat relatively evenly spread out, like 2 feet or more between them give or take, some areas more than others. Sort of like you’d see at an outdoor concert. The people appeared to be of our era based on their attire. Mild weather.

The vision started with Jesus in his attire of his day walking among the crowd and a few people just starting to notice him. He was just walking, kind of medium pace. You hear “Jesus, Jesus, It’s Jesus,” from three different people in the crowd like quoted, one sort of overlaps another. They say it really excited, like outbursts, kind of loud, almost shouting. Then it ends. I guess he just appeared out of nowhere. Kind of funny. Overall I’ll say it was really something.

I’ll emphasize that what I saw wasn’t like reality but was reality. Everything 100% consistent with the nature of our reality, other than Jesus being there which is what made it kind of amazing to see.

I’ll say too there wasn’t any commentary that went with this so I can’t say when or where it was. Also, I could have just seen a version of it, like a possible reality or what it would be like. But I don’t know.

I wrote about what he’s like and looks like based on this vision and another encounter with him which is linked below.

What Jesus Looks Like Plus His Personality and Traits

An Examination of Jesus Being God’s Son and Incarnation