A Note on My Experiences in the 5th/6th Dimension / 2nd realm 2022

I/W: 2022          General, Theory

This is a continuation to these two posts:

What the 5th/6th Dimension / 2nd Realm Is Like Based on Personal Experience

What the 5th/6th Dimension / 2nd Realm Is Like Based on Personal Experience 2

It’s been about two years since the majority of the events I wrote about in those posts happened. About nothing in the context of those things has happened lately. They were mainly concentrated in that initial summer 2020 period I mentioned.

Thinking about these experiences over the past two years I’ve been piecing together what I think happened.

When Archangel Michael visited me our bodies intersected. I hadn’t mentioned this in the post about him because I didn’t want to and it didn’t seem necessary. But it’s appropriate to mention it here for explanation and information purposes. Also, Michael’s spirit is communal, which was quite clear in Gog and Magog Beyond (yet to be posted).

What Archangel Michael Looks Like Plus His Nature

Assuming the four realms theory I’ve laid out throughout this blog is correct, what happened to me is plausible. Michael exists in the fourth realm and I exist in the first. General relativity is built on the basis that the laws of physics are different for two observers in different frames of reference. I would have taken on the observational position of Michael, if even in part, which bypasses the laws of motion. This is a nutshell explanation. Reading about the realms and dimensions throughout the blog will help to fill in context a little more.

The fabric of reality altering can be a hard thing to wrap the mind around. Some points to put it in perspective, the laws of 3D reality (1st realm) are infinitesimal in comparison to a higher realm. Thinking of it that way helps to realize how minute 3D reality is in comparison. It’s like a grain of sand in the universe. Also, thinking about matter as fixed physicality creates an impression of implausibility, but thinking of matter as being energy, which is its true nature, helps to see the plausibility of it. I think it involves thinking about reality in a different way. And an infinite amount of variations of 3D reality opens an infinite amount of possibilities.

Some of the things I wrote about can’t be seen by the eye and others can. While I saw these things, no one else saw what I specifically did as far as I know. But I did see in a youtube video someone saying people had been seeing archangels which was somewhere around the same time. That aside, I think the reasoning comes back to the change of observational position. If you’re taking on a 4th realm observational position through accessing the spirit then you become able to see in 4D-12D, you’re seeing into other dimensions that others aren’t. So it’s possible for a human to see in higher dimensions but the sensory has to be awakened somehow.

These are my thoughts on what happened but of course, it’s hard to say how this happened with exactness or full confidence.

I think one of the biggest things I’ve gathered from these experiences is our reality isn’t what it appears to be.

I had written about these things because I thought it was important to document them in the event of them happening to others. To create a source of information.

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